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    Bone Marrow Image Analyzer







    World's First BM Image Analyzer


    BMIA-12A is taking digital morphology analysis to the next level, delivering clearer images which are able to capture abnormalities in more detail.


    With advanced algorithms, the analyzer enables better identification of different cells with high throughput, resulting in greater productivity.


    Pioneering a platform for BM slide imaging & classification and diagnostics through image algorithm methods.


    Analysis of Various BM Slides

    UIMD BMIA-12A analysis of various BM slides and provides high-quality medical services with high

    accuracy and fast examination speed.



    Excellent Image Quality

    UIMD BMIA-12A  helps users to diagnose BM by providing clear  Images



    User Friendly UI

    The intuitive UI/UX of UIMD BMIA-12A further enhances the operator's usability and helps to conduct tests easily and quickly.

    Excellent Image Quality

    BM Cell

    Bone marrow cells are differnetiated into 18 classes.

    User Friendly UI

    Analysis View

             Quick  and easy overview of equipment status

             Real-time analysis result & image verification

             Intuitive order status check

    Classification View

             Easy overview of processed slide

             Variety of re-classification methods

             Customized user classification category

             Multiple magnification for simple review

    Database View

             Fast and accurate listing & searching

             Large database size (>50,000 analysis capacity)

             Easy database export feature

             Smooth LIS connectivity

    UIMD IA Remote Servies


    One of our strengths is that we can remotely check the system, upgrade the algorithm, and perform software A/S.


    We will establish a remote support system for all customer services except hardware to enable quick and customized support.


    Remote services allows continuous support for our customers with software update and algorithm customization services.




    Hardware Specification




    Slide capacity



    Throughput (Slides/hr)




    12 per cassette (Separate in/out)

    620 x 520 x 610 (W*D*H)


    6 slides per hour(@500 BM cells)

    {"google":["Lexend Deca","Montserrat"],"custom":["Nanum Gothic","Noto Sans KR"]}{"google":["Poppins","Lexend Deca"],"custom":["Nanum Gothic","Nanum Square Round","Noto Sans KR"]}
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